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Ellie's Doula Care



Certified Nurse Midwife licensed in Japan

Birth & Postpartum Doula in the Bay Area





夫の海外赴任に伴い、2023年末アメリカ カリフォルニア州のベイエリアに来ました。





About me

Hello, and welcome to my website!

I came to Bay Area, California on New Years Eve 2023 with my family.

I love the weather here, and spend time outdoors as much as I can; picnics, playing tennis, going on trips...

I worked in hospital as a certified nurse midwife in Japan for several years, then worked in community health, at child wellness centres. 

Unfortunately, as I do not have a license to work in California yet, I cannot be a CNM here. I missed helping families navigate the wonderful and sacred journey to parenthood, and decided to become a Birth & Postpartum Doula.

I mainly work in Santa Clara County, up to approx. 1 hour drive radius from my house.


サービス/Doula care








Birth doula

I will visit you once or twice during pregnancy(1-2 hours), help you during labour up to 1 hour after birth, one visit after birth (30 mins), total of 3-4 visits as a birth doula.

Prenatal visit: Help with creating birth plan, guide you on how to get through pregnancy and advise on preparation for labour, delivery and postpartum.

During labour: After your labour has started, and you want me to be with you, I will provide care according to you birth plan whether it is your home, birthing centre or hospital. 

Postpartum visit: I will visit to see how mum and baby are doing after being discharged from hospital. Also we will talk about birth if you would like to, and clarify anything you would like to. This can be 1-7 days after birth.​

I will give you my contact details so you can message me if you have any questions you would like to ask anytime until the birth of your baby. I will also give you my number for emergencies.



Postpartum Doula











The services I offer as a Postpartum Doula ranges from newborn care (such as breast/bottle feeding, bathing, changing nappies) to household chores (such as cooking, cleaning and shopping for groceries) right after birth to around 4 months postpartum.

I will tailor my care depending on you, for example:

-You just want to know if baby is growing as they should, if there's anything wrong with latching and suckling, if you want to use formula, you just want to know the right amount

-You want to rest during daytime, so you want someone to care for your baby while you get much needed shut-eye

-Your relatives cannot come, so you need someone to help with basic household chores while you concentrate on baby

My services start from 1 hour at a time. Please contact me on details of what you would like from me and I will let you know of services I can and cannot provide.



Work in progress...

お問い合わせ/Contact me




Thank you for coming to my website. Depending on your preference, I can do Birth Doula & Postpartum Doula, or just either one. I recommend that you meet me in advance in person or online to answer any questions, and to see if we fit before becoming my client. Once I agree to be your Birth Doula, I will clear my schedule for your birth 2 weeks before and after the due date with exception of any Postpartum Doula reservations already there at the time of agreement(which I will disclose at the time of agreement). Also, to make sure that I do not get called to 2 births at once, I accept ONLY 1 birth per month at a first come first served basis, so unfortunately, I may not be able to be your Doula depending on openings. I thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to email me or message me via LINE app.



LINE ID: @678righm

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